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injured plea crushed destiny deep down trauma hounds run to
corrode integrity whatever matters and it would they fail to
see they make believe reality helpless deaths ignored to be
judged as juvenile head caves in growing pains no time
remains for fantasy tyrrany exists shrink beneath the ingrown
thorns forced to accept pledge allegiance to a flag tested to
forget you must resist they want you dead feels emptyness
eternity keeps swallowing digested benefactors whose silence
deafens anything all of whom decease and miss to pierce a
point objects and lessons to realize it's not the way what's
the point of giving up leaving won't change anything
political resentment to push away all growth withing puzzles
me offers soul to nothing the message screams it's purity
that those with no rights display the right to have no life
do have respect they must accept a world commiting suicide

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