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It kicks in like an ugly sound
And I'm split divides me.
Skull collides.
Such a long way down.
Such a big big bad.
Such a bright white light.
Rubber crutch lands so hard.

I got to know the way - today
'Cause you fly with me again - away

This memory of you holds more
Than a photograph.
It's much more than a book of
Old pictures locked away
Without a name.

Some sit down.
Let the rest decide.
Over what divided you.
Besides, it's a long time now.
Yea, so far away.
No one cares too much over
What happened to you.

I got to know the way - today
'Cause you fly with me again - away

It's much more than a stack of old
Pictures locked away, Dalhia.

(© 1996-2010. Please don't link to images here; bandwidth costs money. Thanks.)