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Pinback: Blue Screen Life: X I Y

Got to wipe my feet off, now
Got to kick the shoes
There's a lot of empties on the ground
Got to fill some new ones
I know some day they're gonna
Exercise a reasonable amount
Of strain on my simple way

A simple lack of feeling
A simple lack of fuel
A simple lack of energy to play,
Create, and make it through the day
I know some day they're gonna
Exercise a reasonable amount
Of strain on my simple way

I know some day they're gonna separate
The part of the brain that can discriminate
The friendly from the enemy

You are the enemy...

There's a lot of bodies on the ground
I know. I used to be one
I learned I'm not the kind of guy
Who'd cheat a friend to make it through the day

I know some day they're gonna
Exercise a reasonable amount
Of strain on my simple way

You are the enemy...

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