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Maine Vacation: Whale Watching

I would've killed for a 75-300mm zoom lens...

Anyway, so we saw two Humpback whales, a mother and her son. We also saw 3 (yes, 3) Right whales, which are nearly extinct -- there are roughly 317 of them left in the world. And we saw 3. Only 314 to go :) We also had a bunch of dolphins that were playing in the boat's wake, but then they stupidly turned the motors off. The dolphins ended up leaving, as we were no longer fun. It was pretty incredible to see two dolphins jumping out of the water at the same time, though.

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

Supposedly, a lot of whales congregate near this lighthouse.

Whale Watching

Cropped image

Whale Watching copy

Arr, matey... there be whales here.

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

Cropped image.

Whale Watching

Cropped image.

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

The mother is under the water at this point, but her son stayed on top for the duration.

Whale Watching

Mother and son.

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

Whale Watching

OMG hottie. Sarah was pretty nice to talk to, too. She's studying to be a marine biologist and originally comes from Seattle.

Whale Watching

Sarah The Hottie illustrating whale's 'teeth'

Whale Watching

Check the lobster traps. Somebody will eat well tonight.

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