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Expand your vocabulary and feed a hungry person!

Maine Vacation

Lovable, Huggable Jake

Jake is the Beagle that lives next door to the Wallaces (and, consequently, us). Every morning at around 6am he'd be waiting for E at the door. It was cute.

Jake's Attack

Jake running to meet E (not me).

Jake Investigating the Grill

This would be right before he decided it needed a coat of pee.


Jake. Sorry for the blurred image.


Even more Jake. E was obsessed with him, I swear.

Outside Rental Apt

Steps that lead to the Wallace's driveway and, apparently, that other house in the distance is also rentable...


Closeup of the other, apparently rentable, house. Looks quite nice.


Yet Another Sunset.

LL Bean

Outside one of the LL Bean stores. The whole place is like a big campus of stores. It's crazy.

LL Bean

Outside the LL Bean Hunting and Fishing store.

LL Bean

This is the entrace to the main store. Note TEH HUEG boot out front.

LL Bean

From the parking lot it still looks impressive. Sorry for the bad exposure; it was taken at around midnight, and the EOS 300D's flash wasn't up to illuminating the whole place.

LL Bean


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