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Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas at Night
Las Vegas Vacation

I took a vacation in November to Las Vegas, Nevada.

The few photos that were taken during the trip. The others, sadly, were lost when my CF card decided it hated me.

The Fountains at Bellagio: 2.4M, QuickTime format. Bellagio's fountains 'dance' to classical music. About 3 minutes of footage.

Las Vegas At Night: 7.5M, QuickTime format. Las Vegas at night from a helicopter (HeliUSA, ~$60). About 9 minutes of footage. No audio.

Inside the Little A'Le'Inn Alien Head

The Little A'Le'Inn: 3.6M, QuickTime format. Rachel, Nevada is home to the Little A'Le'Inn, and also the most top secret military base in the United States -- the Groom Lake facilities, also known as Area 51. About 1m40s of footage, including the inside of the Inn.

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